So as a part of being a good human I have decided to impart some of my knowledge upon a select section of society. I have decided that lecturing to a group of MBA students may well be a good idea, firstly, there may be some good-looking women in the class...This is unlikely. Secondly, it will make me feel quite clever, I am very good at buzz words, as are MBA students, I will use my expert status as a buzz word generator to "wow" them. Once they have been sufficently impressed I shall then bask in the glory of being asked stupid questions.
Dear readers, have you embarked on anything similar?
If anything is worth doing, it’s worth doing right
Broker tips:
Think of a back story that will entertain both you and the sales person at your favorite tobacconist dealer
Ensure you stick to character and to your chosen back story
Choose a bent pipe. Reasons: my jaw is not strong enough yet to hold a straight pipe. Also with a straight pipe saliva will get stuck whilst smoking
Choose the bowl size that suits you. I am very good at smoking so I chose a big bowl size.
Choose one you like the look of. There is nothing worse than reviving a fashion to the general public with an inferior look.
Price. This is where your back story in step 1 comes in. A well thought out back story can get you out of an embarrassing situation of accidentally choosing a pipe that is out of your price bracket
Currently tobacco accessories are on sale. This means that pipe smoking will be huge in the trend setting community in about 6-12months. So get in early.
Tobacco. I chose an aromatic blend. Something fun for a first smoke. My next will be an English blend. Tobacco is very cheap, and tastes much better than cigar tobacco.
1) If you are in the change rooms at the gym, have some shame, get dressed quickly, don't parade around naked. 2) Don't wear skins to the gym, you look like a douche. 3) Don't use an iPod/iPhone in the solarium, it does bad things to the screen. 4) If you ever work on the door at revolver, don't let any midgets walk in, it screws with the other patrons.
A good old game of pass the parcel almost always leaves at least one small child giddy on sweets crying. The game in most circumstances rigged by the DJ. Far too predictable to let the birthday boy/girl win. So who will he choose? Too many pieces of paper? Time to carbon trade? Is all this symbolic?
Haven't played for a while now. Shame really. Pin the tail on the donkey was a favorite of mine. As was pinata.