Saturday, June 20, 2009

Based in El Aye now

"The weak become heroes then the stars align
We all sing we all sing all sing" - Michael Geoffery Skinner

sorry we haven't blogged for a while friends. have been driving across America in a u-haul truck. left our homes and families in small town Minnesota 2 weeks ago. finally unpacked and got internet for our condo in down town LA yesterday. getting this blog runnin' again LA style!1

Have already got a couple of pitches for TV shows ready. got a few numbers for some agents that will hopefully fit our style that can represent us in the appropriate manner.
But first things first, our iCal dump for tomorrow.

9-10am: get matching tattoo's from la ink - west hollywood

10- 10:15am: iced frappa from starbucks and check emails on free wi-fi

10:15 - 11am: google maps which one of these agents is closest:
Angel City Talent
1680 Vine St #716
Los Angeles, Ca 90028 ,


The Artists Group, Ltd.
10100 Santa Monica Blvd #2490
Los Angeles, Ca 90067,

11am-12pm: travel to the closest of the two

12pm-12:30pm: grab some bagels have a walking lunch whilst finding a printing shop to produce cheap business cards (see design to be provided to printers):

12:30-12:45: free time/buffer if printing takes longer than expected

12:45 - 1:30pm: conduct unscheduled meeting with new potential agent.
-Pitch ideas for 2 tv shows
-show portfolio of highlight StS posts
-negotiate representation fees
-settle on 20%
-sign contract

1:30pm-1:45pm: arrange follow up meeting

1:45pm-2:30pm: bus to venice beach, rent rollerblades, store macbooks and suits in locker.

2:30pm-4:30pm: blade the boardwalk. work on sweet LA tan

4:30pm-5pm: free time (get a snack or have a toilet break if needed)

5pm-6pm: travel back to condo, check emails

6pm-2am: blog about todays activities.

Based in LA now friends.


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