Fishing out a piece of food from ones pant pocket for no logical reason proves a fantastic grab for the attention fiend. It can be as simple as, through one effortless maneuver, pulling out a small bunch of grapes, or as complex as pulling a half handful of delicious canape's.
"Gosh, where did you get those from?" the fascinated crowd asks confusingly. "actually i made them at home" you reply casually (a slight shoulder shrug can also be incorporated with your response).

With no cocktail party in any near geographical distance, making a small piece of food appear will make even the most self obsessed indie crazy with intrigue.
for the less mainstream types out there who want to pull out a little more than a simple stuffed olive, i suggest lining your pockets with glad wrap and get creative. But for the beginners, finger sandwiches work a treat.
Long elevator rides, business meetings, nightclubs, and boutique clothing stores prove the most effective realms to exercise this simple yet effective schtick.
Snack my friends.
1 comment:
This was used to great affect tonight by the StS crew, being the professionals we are no lining was used in the pant pocket and some mild hungarian salami was the tasty treat of the moment. It was used during a period of awkward conversation, conversation quickly turned to me (my favourite topic).
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