As a follow up from the much talked about "World Championships of Prison Rules American Handball" the StS office is offering more ideas for the mainstream.
Hot summer days. Quiet offices. Festival filled weekends. The corporate world has gone hectic for the lunchtime suited tops off.
Leave the jackets on the coat hanger. Hit a center city grassed area with your work crew. Set aside some time for a coconut oil slik-up. All get your iPhones out and simultaneously press play on the recently downloaded avb podcast. Laybacks, windmills, and wide stanced archery shots. Watch the one-track zoids pull you up on the podium.
Afta party back at the office.
StS is rokin da hill @ 12noon.

I was having trouble finding an appropriate image that represents what's going on here, so I had to mind sketch that onto a joint post-it note during lunchtime. Corporate cut backs forced me to trade my set of 60 Derwent watercolor pencils for a weekly bus ticket. I used a pacer pencil instead.
1 comment:
StS are looking for a full time photographer and/or illustrator.
If a neurotic, obscure, or romantic lifestyle appeal to you please submit your resume to
-StS Senior Recruitment Executive
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