Monday, February 9, 2009

the perpetual motion machine; tour de indie

"Everything You Always Wanted to Know About [Fixies]* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)" - Woody Allen

fixies are the most hektik thing ever invented.

I'm going to build me one. Flat white frame, white tyres, light red handle bars and highlights. My bus pass has become too expensive. i figure if i ride to work one day a week. i can recover the cost of a $1k bike in 200 weeks or 3.85 years. but think of the fun i will have!
I will also grow legs like Bukkake Fashions circa 2004.

here is KidWisdom learning/practicing. Bukkake Fashions is on the unicycle (he makes his first appearance 50sec into this 5min ordeal):

this is the guy who is helping me build it:

yellow wristbands for all.


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