Saturday, May 2, 2009

Movers and Shakers

The golf course is no longer the place to make deals and be as bigger biggot as possible...Ok, maybe we can still be biggots and play golf, but deals sure aren't happening there any more.

So it seems only one half of the StS crew is being a corporate fatcat these days, another has been a victim of the GFC.  Whilst playing midweek golf with all of my new found time I got the inevitable question on the third hole from the others in my group, "so what do you do for a job that lets you play golf on a Tuesday".  This of course was an awkward moment, do I say what I used to do and just hope they don't dig, or do I just say I got made redundant and endure the awkwardness.  I went for option B and as much as I enjoy a good  awkward moment I was quite dumbstruck as to why this message was greeted with laughter.  I enquired what was so funny and was told that my two new golfing buddies were similarly placed finance workers without a job.  

I really think we were all there for the cheap sandwiches they sell in the clubhouse, however I did realise that maybe we are moving into an era where a new status symbol will be the amount of spare time one has on his hands.  Maybe a fast car will impress, but the fact that you can sit back and play golf on a Tuesday might also go a long way.

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